Pimlico Plumbers

Cost per lead down by 21%

Better results than top London agency!

We increased leads and reduced the cost per lead with Google ads. Pimlico Plumbers have been using Google and Microsoft Ads as a source of leads for over 10 years. The changes to Google had meant a rising cost per click and cost per conversion year on year but we worked with them to stop this trend! We work with Pimlico to deliver effective Google and Microsoft Ads Management.

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Pimlico Plumbers
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Pimlico vans

Beating the competition

We love a challenge and we took over the Google Ads for Pimlico from another agency. Our mission was to

  • reduce the overall account monthly spend
  • reduce the overall cost per acquisition
  • increase volume of leads during peak periods to coincide with a larger work force.

Pimlico had tried other agencies before but came back to us as they couldn’t beat our achievements!

Get better results

Our Strategy

  • After an in-depth audit was carried out, we discovered that mobile campaigns out performed desktop campaigns 2:1, and that there was room to improve.
  • We further segregated keyword match types and devices
  • We increased conversions through widening location targeting for top performing campaigns
  • We managed spend during peak periods
  • We continuously A/B tested advertising copy and granularise campaigns for more effective ads
  • And we implemented other steps to improve lead quantity and reduce CPA

Their Results

Leads up 44% year on year. Cost per lead down by 21%!

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